[SciPy-Dev] feature proposal for scipy.optimize.differential_evolution

Matt Haberland mhaberla at calpoly.edu
Wed Sep 16 13:15:26 EDT 2020

Sounds useful to me to have that option. Do you know of other software with
a similar option?

On Wed, Sep 16, 2020 at 10:09 AM frank.home at sbcglobal.net <
frank.home at sbcglobal.net> wrote:

> Hello,
> In using scipy.optimize.differential_evolution, we found that it is useful
> to modify the behavior for problems where solutions of the equations being
> optimized are not feasible in some of the space being explored. Rather than
> having the code throw exceptions and then abort, we use the approach of
> returning np.inf for the objective function in infeasible regions. We are
> interested in turning this approach into a feature
> of scipy.optimize.differential_evolution and submitting a pull request, and
> would like to know if people think this would be a useful contribution.
> Our approach would be to add a boolean parameter
> to scipy.optimize.differential_evolution for selecting whether to handle
> lack of ability to find a solution in the above manner. The default for the
> parameter would be to not do this, i.e.
> run scipy.optimize.differential_evolution as it now works.
> Please let us know what you think, and if you would be interested in
> reviewing code, please let us know that as well!
> Thank you,
> Frank Torres
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Matt Haberland
Assistant Professor
BioResource and Agricultural Engineering
08A-3K, Cal Poly
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