[SciPy-Dev] Scientific Python: Using SciPy for Optimization by Bryan Weber at Real Python - Jan 20, 2020

Robert Lucente - Pipeline.Com rlucente at pipeline.com
Mon Jan 20 17:32:15 EST 2020

SciPy can be overwhelming for newbies. I am trying to find a single artifact
which I can point them to.

I believe that "Scientific Python: Using SciPy for Optimization" by Bryan
Weber (https://realpython.com/python-scipy-cluster-optimize/) satisfies this
criteria. It not only talks about SciPy but the entire ecosystem. It then
demonstrates SciPy w/ specific examples of clustering and minimzing a
function. The demonstrations involve code so that people can see how easy it
is to use.

At the same time, the article is long enough and technical enough to work as
the "are you serious test?". No sense in wasting the readers time or other
peoples time if they are not serious.

Real Python has a really good reputation and so when I recommend it to
people they are likely to pay attention. It won't just be another web page.

Also, B. Weber has written a lot of good stuff
(https://realpython.com/team/bweber/). For example "MATLAB vs Python: Why
and How to Make the Switch" (https://realpython.com/matlab-vs-python/).

Long winded way of saying that the article has good credentials.

I am new to SciPy and my math is rusty, please consider reviewing the
article for technical accuracy.

>the graphics? the tone? the critique of SciPy?

Any other perspectives on the article would be appreciated.

-----Original Message-----
From: Robert Lucente - Pipeline.Com <rlucente at pipeline.com> 
Sent: Monday, January 20, 2020 3:58 PM
To: 'SciPy Developers List' <scipy-dev at python.org>
Cc: Robert Gmail Backup 2 Lucente (robert.backup.2.lucente at gmail.com)
<robert.backup.2.lucente at gmail.com>
Subject: RE: [SciPy-Dev] Scientific Python: Using SciPy for Optimization by
Bryan Weber at Real Python - Jan 20, 2020

>which could be hundreds of people

>However you do not reciprocate by telling us what you thought about it, ...

Ooops on my part.

Let me organize my thoughts and write something up.

Also, thanks for the guidance. This is my second or third posting to the
mailing list and still trying to determine what is appropriate.

-----Original Message-----
From: SciPy-Dev <scipy-dev-bounces+rlucente=pipeline.com at python.org> On
Behalf Of Matti Picus
Sent: Monday, January 20, 2020 3:40 PM
To: scipy-dev at python.org
Subject: Re: [SciPy-Dev] Scientific Python: Using SciPy for Optimization by
Bryan Weber at Real Python - Jan 20, 2020

On 21/1/20 1:32 am, Robert Lucente wrote:
> https://realpython.com/python-scipy-cluster-optimize/
> I was wondering what people thought of the article

Hey Robert. You are asking the mailing list, which could be hundreds of
people, to review an article. This would at least require them to spend the
time to read it (i they haven't already) and also spend the time to write a
careful reply. However you do not reciprocate by telling us what you thought
about it, why it interests you, and what level of response you are looking
for: the graphics? the tone? the critique of SciPy?

I would need more from you before I invest in a better reply.


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