[SciPy-Dev] scipy.linalg.svd for n-dimensional arrays in stacked format

Ilhan Polat ilhanpolat at gmail.com
Tue Feb 18 16:00:02 EST 2020

Hi Melissa,

Yes this is a much-sought after feature not only just SVD but for all
solve-alikes and eig-alikes. I was actually waiting for that magical moment
that I would have some time to work on it but kept on procrastinating. So
by all means, go for it, if you feel like it.


On Tue, Feb 18, 2020 at 4:39 PM Melissa Mendonça <melissawm at gmail.com>

> Hello all,
> I just came across this today. While we generally encourage users to use
> scipy.linalg instead of numpy.linalg, I realized that numpy.linalg.svd
> works for general n-dimensional arrays in "stacked format" (see [1, 2])
> while scipy.linalg.svd does not.
> Example:
> =========================
> >>> import numpy as np
> >>> from scipy.linalg import svd
> >>> A = np.random.rand(2,3,4)
> >>> U, s, Vt = np.linalg.svd(A) # works fine
> >>> W, sigma, Yt = svd(A)
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ValueError                                Traceback (most recent call last)
> <ipython-input-6-fc853a2e096f> in <module>
> ----> 1 W, sigma, Yt = svd(A)
> /opt/miniconda/envs/normal/lib/python3.7/site-packages/scipy/linalg/decomp_svd.py
> in svd(a, full_matrices, compute_uv, overwrite_a, check_finite,
> lapack_driver)
>     109     a1 = _asarray_validated(a, check_finite=check_finite)
>     110     if len(a1.shape) != 2:
> --> 111         raise ValueError('expected matrix')
>     112     m, n = a1.shape
>     113     overwrite_a = overwrite_a or (_datacopied(a1, a))
> ValueError: expected matrix
> =========================
> My question is if this is a design decision or a missing feature. If this
> is an interesting funcionality that should be added to SciPy, I can look
> into it.
> Thanks,
> --
> Melissa Weber Mendonça
> [1] In the docs for numpy.linalg.svd:  "If `a` has more than two
> dimensions, then broadcasting rules apply, as explained in
> :ref:`routines.linalg-broadcasting`. This means that SVD is working in
> "stacked" mode: it iterates over all indices of the first ``a.ndim - 2``
> dimensions and for each combination SVD is applied to the last two indices.
> The matrix `a` can be reconstructed from the decomposition with either ``(u
> * s[..., None, :]) @ vh`` or ``u @ (s[..., None] * vh)``. (The ``@``
> operator can be replaced by the function ``np.matmul`` for python versions
> below 3.5.)
> [2] https://numpy.org/devdocs/reference/generated/numpy.linalg.svd.html
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