[SciPy-Dev] Run just the test functions that match a given pattern?

Warren Weckesser warren.weckesser at gmail.com
Sun Apr 19 11:06:57 EDT 2020

With runtests.py, we can run the tests for a specific module (e.g. `-s
stats`), a specific file (e.g. `-t scipy.stats.tests.test_stats`), or
a specific class or function within a file (e.g. `-s
scipy.stats.tests.test_stats::TestCorrPearsonr`, `-s
scipy.stats.tests.test_stats::test_kendalltau`).  Is there a way to
run the tests whose names match a given pattern?  For example, I'd
like to use the pattern `*ttest_rel*` to run any test that has
`ttest_rel` in its name.

I can hack this by adding the line

    python_functions = *ttest_rel*

to pytest.ini, and then comment out that line when I want to run a
larger set of tests, but it would be nice if a pattern could be given
in the command line.


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