[SciPy-Dev] Improvement to regular grid interpolation

Dieter Werthmüller Dieter at Werthmuller.org
Wed Sep 18 06:41:27 EDT 2019


I think this thread touched on that a bit:

So Simon Clift might have already some functional code for that which
could serve as a starting point.

I personally would be certainly interested in the functionality.


On 18/09/2019 11:50, Edouard Goudenhoofdt wrote:
> Dear scipy developers,
> One could use /scipy.interpolate.RegularGridInterpolator/ at different
> times with different values but the same source grid and target points.
> Currently this would recompute the indices each time the function is called.
> I would like to add the possibility to provide the target points at
> initialisation and the values when calling the object.
> Best regards,
> Edouard Goudenhoofdt
> //
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