[SciPy-Dev] Contribution: Estimating the overlap of a ray with volume-cells (voxels) for e.g. tomography

Sebastian A. Mueller sebastian-achim.mueller at mpi-hd.mpg.de
Wed Oct 16 05:49:10 EDT 2019

On 2019-10-16 08:50, Matteo Ravasi wrote:
> Hi Sebastian,
> I also looked into your package, ans I agree it would be a very nice
> addition to scipy.
> Just one question: in tomography it is common to know the start and
> end points of a ray and they may lie somewhere inside the grid extent.
> In your library I seem to be able to only have rays that cross
> straight through the grid as they can only be parametrized by only
> their support and angle. While this parametrization can be inferred
> from start-end point, being able to have rays within (but not all the
> way through the grid) would definitely make your routine more general
> and applicable to various problems - then more suited to scipy.
> Am I missing anything? Or do you think this feature could be easily
> added without changing the current code base too much?
> Thank you!
> iMR

Hi Matteo,

you got it right. There is no start-point, and end-point in 
ray_voxel_overlap. I would have to write a unit-test to figure out if 
one has control over the start-point using the support-vector, but I did 
not implement the concept of an end-point. So this is a feature-request. 
I will put in on git-hub.


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