[SciPy-Dev] New Tutorial on Optimize Help

Andrea Gavana andrea.gavana at gmail.com
Tue Oct 1 02:41:57 EDT 2019

Most real life optimization problems are characterized by objective
functions that are slow to evaluate - depending on the nature of the
problem, it can take from a few seconds to several hours for a single
evaluation. For many of them, the gradient is not even available.

So, the moment the number of parameters you’re optimizing on exceeds 4 or 5
then gradient-based methods (like BFGS, for example) become inefficient as
you need numerical derivatives and so a lot of objective functions
evaluations for a single gradient step.

Scipy has a lot of powerful, diverse optimization algorithms so in this
case you might want to try other approaches, although it would be nice to
see implementations like MCS (branch and bound methods) that exist in
matlab. I used them in the past and they are quite powerful when gradients
are not available or too expensive to compute.


On Tue, 1 Oct 2019 at 08.27, Phillip Feldman <phillip.m.feldman at gmail.com>

> Providing a function for the derivative is almost always better than
> finite-difference derivatives unless the cost of evaluating the derivative
> function is very high.
> On Mon, Sep 30, 2019 at 4:43 PM Christina Lee <chrissie.c.l at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm a SciPy technical writer and am currently rewriting the
>> scipy.optimize tutorial, focusing on `minimize` right now.  While I've
>> gotten a grasp of the "how", I still want to explain "why". Why choose
>> one option over another? I could use information from those with more
>> experience.
>> A lot of methods are available.   Most problems can have BFGS thrown at
>> them, but I want to explain something for those other cases.  Other
>> situations could have features, like constraints or non-differentiability,
>> that lend themselves to a specific method. But the module still has a lot
>> of alternatives.  Are they there for academic purposes?  Are they the best
>> for some problems? How could someone find that out?
>> For derivatives, users can choose to provide a function or three
>> different types of finite-difference schemes.
>> When is providing a function better than finite-difference derivatives?
>> For Hessians, approximations are sometimes more efficient.  How can we know
>> in advance if that's true? Is that ever true for gradients?
>> How do we choose which finite-difference scheme? `3-point` and `cs` (if
>> it is the symmetric approximation I think) have higher-order accuracy, but
>> `cs` uses a point not yet computed.  Is `3-point` ever not the way to go?
>> Thanks for your expertise,
>> Christina
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