[SciPy-Dev] scipy.org logo original?

Ilhan Polat ilhanpolat at gmail.com
Sat May 4 04:24:48 EDT 2019

OK, before I go pixel frenzy, I'd like to ask if the following is
acceptable until we perform a substantial overhaul. This is the current

[image: image.png]

Keeping Christina's .org remark in mind, I've selected a sane approximation
to our current setup and used the open source (SIL OFL 1.1) font Inter
https://rsms.me/inter/ and the semibold weight variant of it. It has a
really nice x-height hence still legible in small sizes. Also as you can
see it does not suffer from the kerning issues we now have. You can also
notice that the Logo snake has a bit less hand-drawnness to it.

[image: image.png]

It's the 3.4 kb version but can be reduced/optimized further. This mail is
just for to get feedback. Here is the draft code in case you want to play
around with it
https://gist.github.com/ilayn/d121ec7deb009a9a257b4813c80dff27 just install
the fonts and run it via Xe- or Lua-LaTeX.

Please let me know if there are any
objections/corrections/suggestions/design crimes I might have committed.


On Wed, May 1, 2019 at 3:34 PM Ralf Gommers <ralf.gommers at gmail.com> wrote:

> On Wed, May 1, 2019 at 2:50 PM Christina Lee <chrissie.c.l at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Quick question, why does it include ".org"?   Can't the logo just say
>> "SciPy"?
> Thanks Christina, that's a great question. I can't think of a reason, just
> "SciPy" seems better. Perhaps we've been staring at it for so long that
> it's not noticeable anymore. Let's change it now.
>> A good rule of websites is to use svg whenever reasonable.  The main logo
>> isn't the only image where doing this could bump up cleanliness.  Several
>> other logos on the main page could also use an update.  For example, just
>> traced over the download graphic as attached. No more resolution problems,
>> and smaller.
> That's great, thank you! Yes, you're right ... and it's not just the logos
> that could use a makeover, the whole site needs attention.
> Cheers,
> Ralf
>> On Wed, May 1, 2019 at 12:05 PM Ilhan Polat <ilhanpolat at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> > Would you be able to make a web-sized image and add it to
>>> scipy-sphinx-theme?
>>> Yes that's not a problem thanks to the vector graphics. The main concern
>>> here is the legibility of the font. I now think that the original font was
>>> ITC franklin medium though.
>>> Anyways, I have searched for some open source fonts in the meantime and
>>> many curation pages are available online; to give two results from a quick
>>> Google search
>>> https://medium.com/sketch-app-sources/30-free-and-open-source-typefaces-released-recently-best-collections-5b46f9d89f65
>>> https://www.forbes.com/sites/allbusiness/2014/03/06/10-best-sans-serif-web-fonts-from-google-fonts-library/#21da8027431b
>>> I am no designer by any means hence take these as availability stats but
>>> we might be better off if we switch to a font with suitable license in
>>> place for a commercial font. Also all feedback and help are welcome.
>>> Best,
>>> On Tue, Apr 30, 2019 at 3:10 PM Ralf Gommers <ralf.gommers at gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Thanks Stefan & Ilhan!
>>>> Scikit-image has the right idea I think with a separate branding repo.
>>>> Shall we create one for SciPy as well?
>>>> Ilhan, that looks really good! Would you be able to make a web-sized
>>>> image and add it to scipy-sphinx-theme? The current image is a 2.4kb gif, I
>>>> think it can be larger but as small as possible while still looking good
>>>> would be nice. Because it gets downloaded millions of times a month, and
>>>> also directly adds to the size of the numpy and scipy sdists.
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Ralf
>>>> On Mon, Apr 29, 2019 at 10:44 PM Ilhan Polat <ilhanpolat at gmail.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> By the way does anyone know what the font logo is? Just by eyeballing
>>>>> it looks like Franklin Gothic but I am not sure. However, if there is a
>>>>> more able typography connoisseur among us, here is the logo ready to be
>>>>> compiled by Xe/LuaLatex.
>>>>> \documentclass[tikz]{standalone}
>>>>> \usepackage{fontspec}
>>>>> \setsansfont{Franklin Gothic Medium}
>>>>> \usetikzlibrary{svg.path}
>>>>> \definecolor{scipylogo}{HTML}{8CAAE6}
>>>>> \begin{document}
>>>>> \begin{tikzpicture}[x=1pt, y=-1pt]
>>>>> \fill[scipylogo] (-50,-75) rectangle (1825, 575)
>>>>> svg[yscale=-1] {
>>>>> M348.369,282.469c-17.398-23.797-43.984-33.719-81.984-41.719
>>>>> l-35.334-8.332l-26.656-11.432c-14.01-9.902-25.947-36.26-22.559-59.502c5.264-36.006,38.896-61.104,75.127-56.045
>>>>> c18.094,2.559,33.438,12.139,43.555,25.625l40.117,52.705c22.93,29.531,48.711,38.32,76.758,24.375l14.141-6.016
>>>>> c1.133-0.527,2.461-0.576,3.75-0.107c1.055,0.41,1.914,1.162,2.422,2.051l2.813,4.238c0.781,1.279,1.953,2.314,3.477,2.891
>>>>> c2.578,0.977,5.352,0.391,7.305-1.289l32.578-30.723c5.703-4.883,4.023-9.365,4.023-9.365l-7.852-17.881
>>>>> c0,0-2.148-4.287-9.57-3.301l-43.672,4.014c-2.539,0.361-4.805,2.051-5.781,4.629c-0.586,1.504-0.625,3.076-0.195,4.502
>>>>> l1.563,5.029c0.313,1.045,0.313,2.217-0.117,3.291c-0.508,1.328-1.523,2.266-2.734,2.764l-12.344,5.225
>>>>> c-12.93,7.568-27.617,2.734-37.422-9.258l-11.211-14.893l-31.914-42.354c-15.156-20.098-38.008-34.434-65-38.203
>>>>> c-54.043-7.568-104.199,29.854-112.051,83.584c-3.965,27.08,4.152,52.703,18.965,73.281
>>>>> c10.762,14.953,30.486,23.496,41.154,26.164l28,8l26.814,6.145c3.688,0.875,14.063,3.438,20.203,5.656
>>>>> c5.676,2.055,18.75,6.875,29.375,15.57l0,0c12.695,12.906,19.414,31.344,16.563,50.68c-4.805,32.969-35.586,55.938-68.75,51.289
>>>>> c-16.611-2.305-30.635-11.109-39.922-23.438l-38.32-50.859c-7.813-10.367-19.629-17.773-33.594-19.766
>>>>> c-13.945-1.953-27.441,1.914-37.9,9.75l-80.615,60.156C11.455,333.914,0,292.898,0,249.266C0,111.621,113.926,0,254.443,0
>>>>> c104.629,0,194.434,61.855,233.535,150.254l12.891-5.996l8.711-23.809l9.141,3.203l-7.852,21.289l21.758,7.5l-3.281,8.916
>>>>> l-24.297-8.486l-13.398,6.162c11.094,27.998,17.266,58.398,17.266,90.232c0,137.656-113.945,249.258-254.473,249.258
>>>>> c-84.414,0-159.229-40.289-205.508-102.281l82.578-61.898c3.779-2.578,8.467-3.75,13.33-3.086
>>>>> c5.176,0.742,9.58,3.461,12.471,7.305l40.537,54.477c14.277,17.516,35.02,29.922,59.307,33.336
>>>>> c51.094,7.148,98.516-28.242,105.938-79.063C366.533,323.664,360.752,300.828,348.369,282.469};
>>>>> \node[anchor=east,
>>>>>       text=white,
>>>>>       font=\sffamily,
>>>>>       scale=30,
>>>>>       outer sep=0pt,
>>>>>       inner sep=0pt] (scipyorg) at (1750,250) {SciPy.org};
>>>>> \end{tikzpicture}
>>>>> \end{document}
>>>>> This code gives on my system
>>>>> [image: image.png]
>>>>> "i" and "P" needs a slight nudge to each other but that means the font
>>>>> is correct. Hence my question. Also you can play around and enjoy some TeX
>>>>> kerning/positioning/scaling bonanza yourself. I'll let Ralf to be the judge
>>>>> :)
>>>>> Best,
>>>>> ilhan
>>>>> On Mon, Apr 29, 2019 at 8:09 PM Ilhan Polat <ilhanpolat at gmail.com>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Perfect! Thanks.
>>>>>> On Mon, Apr 29, 2019 at 7:44 PM Stefan van der Walt <
>>>>>> stefanv at berkeley.edu> wrote:
>>>>>>> Found it and uploaded to GitHub:
>>>>>>> https://github.com/scikit-image/skimage-branding/blob/master/logo/scipy.svg
>>>>>>> On Mon, 29 Apr 2019 10:26:00 -0700, Stefan van der Walt wrote:
>>>>>>> > On Sat, 27 Apr 2019 23:49:03 +0200, Ralf Gommers wrote:
>>>>>>> > > Does anyone have the original files from which the current logo
>>>>>>> on scipy.org
>>>>>>> > > (it has the scipy symbol, white letter scipy.org and "sponsored
>>>>>>> by
>>>>>>> > > Enthough") was created? The quality is not great, and editing a
>>>>>>> tiny gif
>>>>>>> > > doesn't make it better ....
>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> > I don't have the vector art, but I have a higher resolution render:
>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> https://github.com/scikit-image/skimage-branding/blob/master/logo/data/scipy.png
>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> > Stéfan
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