[SciPy-Dev] Enabling use of scipy.special from Numba

Joshua Wilson josh.craig.wilson at gmail.com
Thu Jun 20 12:18:27 EDT 2019

> On Jun 20, 2019, at 08:37, Stanley Seibert <sseibert at anaconda.com> wrote:
> All we need on the Numba side is a standard way, given a scipy.special function object to obtain the underlying C function pointer and the C type signature (basic types, no Python objects) of that function. 

Good, this is what I hoped the answer was. So as I see it, SciPy could either:

(1) extend the cython_special API to make the pointers more available


(2) Talk to the Cython devs about making the function pointers Cython already creates  more available. The SciPy changes are then probably just some sort of index of the Cython pointers so that they are easy to find.

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