[SciPy-Dev] References for weibull_min and weibull_max distributions

Pierre Haessig pierre.haessig at crans.org
Mon Jan 14 09:00:34 EST 2019


I just submitted a small PR to clarify the docstring of exponweib
distribution in scipy.stats (https://github.com/scipy/scipy/pull/9679).

However, in the process, I got a bit confused with weibull_min and
weibull_max. It seems that up to Scipy 0.19, it was specified as an
alias to Frechet left distribution
However this is not mentioned anymore since 1.0. Also, it seems that
weibull_min corresponds to the usual Weibull distribution, but its
docstring doesn't say it explicitly. Also, I find no references on the
web for those Weibull min/max. Would it be appropriate, in the long
term, to simply have a Weibull distribution?



Pierre Haessig
assistant professor at CentraleSupélec, IETR

Avenue de la Boulaie - CS 47601
35576 Cesson-Sévigné Cedex

+33 299 84 45 76

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