[SciPy-Dev] Issues backlog

Tyler Reddy tyler.je.reddy at gmail.com
Sun Aug 4 17:02:17 EDT 2019

I think we've had this discussion about using bots to auto-close issues in
SciPy a few times now. I've never been a fan of that & don't really tend to
worry too much about having a large number of issues open, though I'm not
hugely bothered if we do go that route.

I don't typically try to systemically go through them, but instead use
labels to filter as appropriate. It may be a little off-putting if an
important issue is both neglected long-term and dismissed by a bot, as

There's nothing stopping devs or teams working on SciPy from filtering the
issues / setting their priorities as they see fit irrespective of N open
issues. Indeed, if and when GitHub improve metrics / project management
tools and so on the large number of open issues may be navigated with
greater ease and mined for relevant data.

On Sun, 4 Aug 2019 at 14:56, Stefan van der Walt <stefanv at berkeley.edu>

> On Sat, Aug 3, 2019, at 22:22, Dieter Werthmüller wrote:
> > I think this is a very good idea, and it should be applied to issues and
> > PRs. However, instead of age as a criteria I would use inactivity (e.g.,
> > if there is an old issue from 2013 that has activity discussions every
> > year then it should not be closed).
> Agreed, the last modified age may be a better measure.  That way we don't
> need to recreate issues we want to keep open, we can simply leave a comment
> / add a label / edit the description.
> But this method for closing issues can also be infuriating to users: how
> many times have you come across a project where an issue was described in
> detail with debugging info, only to be closed by a bot due to inactivity?
> Perhaps that can be addressed by setting the inactivity-time-to-closure to
> a high enough duration, perhaps 3 years.
> If this method is enacted, I suggest an email to the list once a month
> with issues that were automatically closed.  That may at least provide an
> opportunity for those interested to go back and "save" any important ones
> they care about.
> Best regards,
> Stéfan
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