[SciPy-Dev] SciPy now fiscally sponsored by NumFOCUS

Ralf Gommers ralf.gommers at gmail.com
Thu Apr 18 17:47:44 EDT 2019

On Thu, Apr 18, 2019 at 9:38 PM Travis Oliphant <teoliphant at gmail.com>

> This is exciting news.  Thanks for all the work on this.
> As you are putting up historical institutional sponsors for the work, I
> would appreciate mention Mayo Clinic (1998-2001) and BYU (2001-2007) where
> I was a paid graduate student and professor and worked on what became SciPy
> and then SciPy.

Thanks for the input Travis. That's a fair request, and I will include
those two institutions.

A further thought on this: going forward I think we should only list
Institutional Partners, for which we have a clear definition:
The key point of that is: work on SciPy has to be part of the official
duties of the employee. However going back in time I think we should be
inclusive, also when other past contributors have done large amounts of
work "in the boss's time" and make a similar requests.


> Thanks,
> -Travis
> On Thu, Apr 18, 2019 at 3:35 AM Ralf Gommers <ralf.gommers at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> I'm happy to tell you that, finally, SciPy is now fiscally sponsored by
>> NumFOCUS. We signed a "Fiscal Sponsorship Agreement" between the SciPy
>> Steering Council and NumFOCUS, see
>> https://numfocus.org/information-fiscal-sponsorship (comprehensive
>> model).
>> What this means is basically that we can have access to services like
>> administrative, legal, marketing support, and can through NumFOCUS accept
>> donations, grants, etc. and use those funds to further improve SciPy. Until
>> now we were only an "affiliated project", which didn't give us our own
>> account or the right to use funds that were donated to NumFOCUS dedicated
>> to SciPy (note that we did get some financial support before, e.g. the
>> small grants for optimize.linprog and pydata/sparse).
>> One thing we do need to do is clarify the situation around sponsors on
>> scipy.org. Right now it says "sponsored by Enthought" fairly prominently
>> on every page, and all other sponsors are hidden away at
>> https://scipy.org/scipylib/donations.html#infrastructure-non-financial-support.
>> NumFOCUS asked that we fix this. The situation is:
>> 1. NumFOCUS is our fiscal sponsor
>> 2. We have a number of former and current sponsors (both money and things
>> like free infrastructure or services). Those all need to be acknowledged in
>> a fair and visible way.
>> I will work on an update to scipy.org (aiming for next week) to fix
>> this. A more comprehensive overhaul of scipy.org would also be nice at
>> some point, but that's for later.
>> Cheers,
>> Ralf
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