[SciPy-Dev] Proposal for a new scipy.special function: Voigt

Muhammad Firmansyah Kasim firman.kasim at gmail.com
Sun Sep 23 18:03:48 EDT 2018

I am proposing to implement a new special function under `scipy.special`
module: Voigt function.

Voigt function/profile is a very common line profile in atomic transitions
and widely used in the spectroscopy field. It is a convolution between
Gaussian and Cauchy distribution, thus it is not trivial to calculate it

There are several approximations to calculate it efficiently, but I am
proposing to use the one in the "Stellar atmosphere" by Mihalas (1978). It
is the one used in FLYCHK by NIST and IAEA (I work closely with the author
of the code).

Please let me know if you have any suggestions or objections to the

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