[SciPy-Dev] PR 9556: Using convex hull centroids instead of tetrahedron circumcenters as Spherical Voronoi vertices

Oliver Arend oarend at googlemail.com
Fri Nov 30 10:50:56 EST 2018

Hello everybody,

I started a pull request https://github.com/scipy/scipy/pull/9556 that
gives the user the ability to select a method to determine the
vertices of a Voronoi tesselation of a spherical surface. I also
expanded the tests accordingly. Someone more experienced should please
do a code review on it.

To see what that kind of difference (or not) it can make, look at e.g.

I needed this functionality and found it easiest to just extend the
existing scipy.spatial.SphericalVoronoi class. Others might find it
useful as well.


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