[SciPy-Dev] Documentation / tutorial for peak finding in scipy.signal

Lars G. lagru at mailbox.org
Sun Mar 18 07:23:11 EDT 2018

On 17.03.2018 20:59, Ralf Gommers wrote:
> If you can get away with a smaller size that would be useful, but I'm
> okay with up to 500 kb.

That should be possible. I just played around with ECG signals from the
MIT Arrhythmia Database

The signals are sampled with 360 Hz and and an ADC resolution of 11-bit.
If `numpy.savez_compressed` is used to store the array we can get away
with `np.uint16` which translates to ~200 KiB for a 10 min window.

If we select the right window we could cover areas with different signal
properties (noise level, artifacts, baseline, amplitude, spectrum) which
would make it useful for more varied examples.


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