[SciPy-Dev] Documentation / tutorial for peak finding in scipy.signal

Lars G. lagru at mailbox.org
Sat Mar 17 09:33:09 EDT 2018

On 16.03.2018 20:11, Eric Larson wrote:> How about an entry in the scipy
cookbook "Signal Processing" or "Other
> examples" sections?
> http://scipy-cookbook.readthedocs.io/
> In the SciPy tutorials area you could do some basic things if you want,
> even if they overlap with what is in the docstrings a bit. Then you
> could put a link there to the cookbook for a more in-depth example.

Sounds reasonable. I'll create a notebook covering a peak finding
example and see how it goes. Maybe something based on beat detection in
an ECG signal.
> We have `face` and `ascent` in `misc` already for 2D signals. I think it
> would be nice to have something like this for 1D signals, assuming we
> can find one that won't take up a ton of space (< 500kB maybe, since
> that's what ascent takes, and `face` takes up 1.5MB?). We don't want to
> bloat the repo, but a reasonable sound choice could be used in many
> examples.
> The most popular "freesound.org <http://freesound.org>" clip is a
> creative-commons licensed thunderstorm recording
> <https://freesound.org/people/RHumphries/sounds/2523/>, maybe this could
> be made mono, truncated, and/or resampled to be sufficiently small?
> Other ideas welcome.

Another source might be the Physionet database has an extensive
collection of medical signals and is licensed with the "OPC Public
Domain Dedication and License" which should be compatible with SciPy's


A biosignal like an ECG could be used to demonstrate
- frequency based filtering (artifact elimination),
- spectral analysis and
- beat detection & classification (peak finding & measurement).
E.g. a simple task could be to extract the heart rate or systolic /
diastolic blood pressure values depending on the signal. This could
provide nice and intuitive "real world" examples.

If you like this idea I'd be happy to create a PR for this.

Best regards,

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