[SciPy-Dev] GSOC 2018 [Starting advice, not proposal]

Aditya Bharti adibhar97 at gmail.com
Thu Mar 8 14:00:10 EST 2018

Hi all,

Goal of this email: To ask for general advice on starting contributions to
scipy for GSOC 2018

To summarise: I am interested in a project which aligns well with my
research and open source experience, but I'm having a little trouble
finding issues to start working on.

I am an undergraduate researcher in Computer Vision, interested in
contributing to scipy. I was specifically looking forward to the second
project on the github project ideas page
Rotation Formalism in 3 dimensions.

I think I would be a good fit for the project because I have experience
with contributing to open source in general, and specifically to C++ and
python codebases [1] <https://mzl.la/2oV3PtL>. Due to my academic
background, I am already comfortable with 3D rotations being represented as
matrices, Euler angles and vectors as these are used extensively in
Computer Vision. Being a researcher, I will have no problem understanding
academic literature on the subject to extend that knowledge.

The initial setup completed, in order to get started with contributions to
scipy, I have asked around on multiple issues on the main scipy repo with
the 'good first issue' tags, however, after discussion it was realised that
those bugs either require a very deep understanding of the codebase [2
<https://github.com/scipy/scipy/issues/8385#issuecomment-366196873> , or
need to be fixed by the external library author and require no work on
scipy's side [3]

I would greatly appreciate it if you could give me advice getting started
with scipy or just generally making a strong application to scipy.

Thank you,
Aditya Bharti
(Undergraduate Researcher, International Institute of Information
Technology Hyderabad, India)

[1]: https://mzl.la/2oV3PtL
[2]: https://github.com/scipy/scipy/issues/8385#issuecomment-366196873
[3]: https://github.com/scipy/scipy/issues/4819#issuecomment-36681474

github: https://github.com/adbugger
bugzilla: https://mzl.la/2FyzaMp

P.S. I apologise in advance if the mailing list is not the correct place to
ask for such advice. I'd be happy to ask on more appropriate channels.
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