[SciPy-Dev] Numba as a dependency for SciPy?

Andrew Nelson andyfaff at gmail.com
Wed Mar 7 16:22:34 EST 2018

I have a few points to chuck in from the sidelines:

1) are there any licence considerations have scipy depend on numba? For
example, I'm thinking along the lines where someone would have to bundle
(or link) numba with scipy/numpy, and be forced to use a specific licence.

2) The size could be an issue for those distributing apps. In a
conda/virtualenv/python install numba is only required to be installed
once. However, I have a few standalone python apps frozen using
PyInstaller. Every time I make one of those it has to freeze numpy, scipy,
etc, into the app structure. PyInstaller strips out a lot of stuff that
isn't necessary, but the size of scipy is still large. Having numbda in
there would increase the size of an app by another 50 Mb if the entirety of
the package was required. If one could statically link in the required
bits, then I suppose it's not so bad.
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