[SciPy-Dev] WIP: Class based Optimizers

Ralf Gommers ralf.gommers at gmail.com
Mon Mar 5 02:41:36 EST 2018

On Sun, Mar 4, 2018 at 7:05 PM, Andrew Nelson <andyfaff at gmail.com> wrote:

> Scott Sievert and I have put a lot of work into preparing a draft of the
> PEP for class based scalar minimizers:
> https://github.com/andyfaff/scipy/blob/a52bb4f9029389da3ab072c92c609d
> 71ed6943c6/PEP/1-Optimizer.rst
> where we've tried to address comments already made in this thread, and
> from the WIP github PR. Scott and I look forward to hearing any
> comments/concerns/feedback about the proposal. We can field any questions
> and address them in an updated PEP, as well as on here.
> Andrew.
> p.s. Ralf/Pauli, could we add the PEP to a scipy/PEP, or scipy/scipep,
> repo? How should we discuss such this, and any further PEP? Should we have
> a scipep process, or shall we keep things simple?

I'd suggest a separate repo, and no custom process but rather just follow
what is done for Python Enhancement Proposals - discussion of major things
on this list, more detailed things on a PR on that new repo.

Unless there's other opinions, I can create the repo. There's also
https://github.com/numpy/neps for which build infrastructure is in progress
(I expect/hope), so we should be able to steal that soon. So for now just
open a PR on the new empty repo I'd say.

Your proposal looks quite comprehensive and well written. I would suggest
following the structure of PEPs a little more closely (
e.g. add the metadata and copyright bits, and use "motivation" and
"rationale" as section headers for some of the content that you have.

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