[SciPy-Dev] GSoC 2018: Cythonizing

Charles R Harris charlesr.harris at gmail.com
Fri Mar 2 16:57:18 EST 2018

On Wed, Feb 28, 2018 at 9:11 AM, Jaime Fernández del Río <
jaime.frio at gmail.com> wrote:

> On Wed, Feb 28, 2018 at 3:40 PM Lars G. <lagru at mailbox.org> wrote:
>> Dear SciPy devs,
>> I'm currently thinking about an application for this year's GSoC as
>> well. As there already seems to be a large interest in the rotation
>> formalism I'm trying to find another area that matches my interest and
>> skill.
>> I've dug up this proposal in scikit-image from GSoC 2015
>> https://github.com/scikit-image/scikit-image/wiki/GSoC-
>> 2015#rewriting-scipyndimage-in-cython
>> and judging by the state of scipy/ndimage/src/ nobody has worked on this
>> proposal yet (feel free to correct me).
> I mentored the not very successful, to put it mildly, GSoC 2015 project
> about cythonizing ndimage. From that experience, and further work
> afterwards, I no longer think Cython is the answer to ndimage's problems.
> The underlying C has a lot of very complicated code making lots of clever
> (often too clever for everyone's good) uses of pointer magic, that I
> honestly think are better kept in C. Or would at least need someone with a
> very deep understanding of both C and Cython, would much exceed the scope
> of a GSoC project, and I don't think I can commit to properly mentor such a
> project this summer.
> What would be nice is to replace the current nd_image.c file that
> implements the Python interface to the underlying C by a Cython
> implementation. That is not enough for a GSoC project, and it's not the
> most exciting thing to work on either. But if you want to put a full
> project together out of smaller, Cython related, subprojects, this could
> certainly be a part of it, and I wouldn't mind mentoring that subproject.
I think the spline bits could be vectorized and rewritten in Python without
too much loss of speed.


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