[SciPy-Dev] What we do struggle with is lack of progress on big-ticket items

Robert Lucente - Pipeline.Com rlucente at pipeline.com
Tue Jan 23 04:57:01 EST 2018

>good enough

I am a newbie and have just been lurking.


Perhaps we could put some bounds around unacceptable, good enough and perfection? I realize that it is hard to put words to this. Perhaps an example to kick off a conversation?


Perhaps we could release features w/ tags like alpha, beta, GA and part of official release?


Perhaps people could volunteer to just help someone w/ the SciPy workflow?


Suggesting some ideas to stimulate conversation.


From: Andrew Nelson [mailto:andyfaff at gmail.com] 
Sent: Monday, January 22, 2018 11:15 PM
To: Robert Lucente <rlucente at pipeline.com>; SciPy Developers List <scipy-dev at python.org>
Subject: Re: [SciPy-Dev] What we do struggle with is lack of progress on big-ticket items


On 23 January 2018 at 10:25, Robert Lucente <rlucente at pipeline.com <mailto:rlucente at pipeline.com> > wrote:

>What we do struggle with is lack of progress on big-ticket items

Could we get some of these "big-ticket" items to be graduate student projects as part of an independent study or ...?


The difficult in progressing big ticket items looms large, the difficulty here cannot be underestimated. Big ticket items require several iterations which tests the patience of the proposer and reviewer, it's a large amount of effort on both ends. It requires the reviewer is familiar with the subject material (not a given), and that the proposer is familiar with the scipy workflow. Giving it to a grad student isn't necessarily going to solve either of those issues.


I know on my part that I've been reluctant to review some PR's because I don't feel I have enough knowledge, and worry I would commit something that isn't good enough. But if there's no one else to do it, then what should happen?


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