[SciPy-Dev] maintainership Sunday morning thoughts

Ralf Gommers ralf.gommers at gmail.com
Sat Jan 20 16:03:06 EST 2018

Hi all,

I wanted to share this excellent talk, "Rebuilding the cathedral", from
Nadia Eghbal about how open source software gets maintained:

If you're a maintainer that experiences feeling guilty about not answering
questions or reviewing PRs on Github quickly enough (I certainly do
sometimes), or are a contributor that wonders why your well crafted PR
doesn't get reviewed or merged, watching this talk may explain a few things.

In terms of "rewards" for maintainership of SciPy, we could do better. One
obvious thing is a paper that contributors can be co-authors on - this is
one thing that we planned but didn't manage to do in the rush to get SciPy
1.0 polished and out the door. I'm seeing a bit of free time coming up, and
fixing that omission is on my todo list for that time (really this time) -
second email to follow shortly. More substantial rewards ($$) is a bit of a
chicken-and-egg problem - it requires investing more time than anyone can
put in at the moment to apply for funding. It'll be interesting to see how
the dynamics of NumPy development change with the two grants for the next
two years...

Finally, a thank you to the people who've jumped in to fill the post-1.0
code review gap we seem to be experiencing - mainly Ilhan, Andrew and Tyler.

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