[SciPy-Dev] Contributing to scipy

Ralf Gommers ralf.gommers at gmail.com
Fri Feb 23 01:15:46 EST 2018

Hi Samyak,


On Mon, Feb 19, 2018 at 4:57 AM, Samyak Jain <smkjain8 at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,  I am new to open source and very keen in contributing towards open
> source. I have started contributing in scipy solving some small DOC issues
> but I want to solve some major issues too. Can you suggest how do I start
> with this

Is there a particular area or submodule of SciPy you are interested in? We
have no shortage of issues, but it would probably be best to work on one
that's related to your interests or potential gsoc topic.

> and also what all I need to know apart from python to start contributing
> in this org.

A general skill you need is use of git/Github. Beyond that, it depends on
the topic. Some parts of SciPy are pure Python, for others you may need to
know Cython, C, C++ or Fortran.

I am also applying for GSOC'18 by contributing with this org hence I need
> to know how can I contact the mentors as on the IRC no one is replying. Is
> there any other way to contact them ?

IRC is a very old channel, not many (none?) of the developers are on it
regularly. We didn't list IRC on the ideas page or http://python-gsoc.org
as a method to contact the scipy developers. Where did you see a link to it?

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