[SciPy-Dev] Add MCDA module to SciPy

Ralf Gommers ralf.gommers at gmail.com
Fri Feb 23 01:08:40 EST 2018

Hi Shivanjan,

Thanks for your interest in SciPy and coming up with your own idea.

On Wed, Feb 21, 2018 at 10:36 PM, schakravorty846 <schakravorty846 at gmail.com
> wrote:

> Hello,
> I am Shivanjan Chakravorty,I am an 8th semester Computer Science
> Engineering student. I have been using libraries under SciPy for quite a
> long time now. I wish to contribute to SciPy packages for GSoC by adding
> all the Multi Criteria Decision Analysis methods listed in MCDA Wikipedia
> page here
> <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multiple-criteria_decision_analysis#MCDM_methods>.
> The similar package scikit-criteria exists but it contains only WSM model
> implementation. I wish to provide all the methods listed in the Wiki Page
> and make it a core part of SciPy as this has a wide range of application in
> multiple domains. I am open to suggestions and discussion on this. Thank
> you.

MCDA methods are out of scope for SciPy I would say. It's very rare for us
to add a whole new module, and if we do then it's usually an extension of
something already present (e.g. linalg.cython_blas, sparse.csgraph). It
would fit better in Pyomo for example. Also, contributing to
scikit-criteria would make sense - if there's already a package like that,
we don't want to overlap with their scope.

Sorry to not be able to give you a positive answer. I'd encourage you to
contact one of those projects; they may still be able to sign up under the
PSF umbrella and accept you as a student.

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