[SciPy-Dev] [Numpy-discussion] Sustainability

Pauli Virtanen pav at iki.fi
Thu Oct 5 15:24:21 EDT 2017

to, 2017-10-05 kello 00:08 +0200, Ilhan Polat kirjoitti:
> 2. Feature completeness of basic modules.

I think those judgments can be subjective, but it is true many things
have been organically grown, and this becomes even more so as the
number of contributors grows (fielding other people's PRs already takes
a lot of time). I think most people send something that they need there
and then, and it is not possible to tell them to go do something else
instead. So even if there are many contributors, it's less clear how
available they are for implementing "the plan".

Regardless, I would recommend anyone who knows something obvious is
missing that obviously should be included, to send a PR adding it to
the roadmap:


This document has not really been updated significantly since the
single brainstorm in a Scipy conference many years ago, and we did not
go through the contents then in great detail.


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