[SciPy-Dev] support for solving integer programming problems

Matt Haberland haberland at ucla.edu
Thu Oct 5 15:01:36 EDT 2017

Yes. I wrote the new interior point method for linprog because the existing
simplex implementation was having trouble with relaxed LPs from my (branch
and bound) binary integer LP solver. The BILP solver is basically ready for
a PR, but some suggested that I should shoot for a full mixed integer LP
solver before submitting. I did plan to work on this. You interested,


On Sep 29, 2017 8:32 PM, "Phillip Feldman" <phillip.m.feldman at gmail.com>

I'm wondering whether anyone has been thinking of adding capability to
`scipy.optimize` for solving low-dimensionality integer programming
problems.  In particular, I'm thinking of such methods as local search or
tabu search.


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