[SciPy-Dev] pySmooth: An Object-oriented Library for Time Series Analysis

Kenneth Odoh kenneth.odoh at gmail.com
Tue Nov 7 09:12:05 EST 2017

Dear Sir,

I was thinking of adding a time series library to scipy. The Python
ecosystem seems to be lacking in time series tool in comparison to their R
counterpart. I had written a library that implements a number of popular
algorithms, alongside some exotic ones.

Pysmooth ( https://github.com/kenluck2001/pySmooth ) is a new time series
library that I had written that implements the following algorithms.

   - Time difference model
   - Online ARIMA Model
   - Discrete Kalman Filter
   - Extended Kalman Filter
   - Unscented Kalman Filter

The design goals for the project consist of the following.

   - A real-time model for time series analysis.
   - A less computational intensive model thereby resulting in scalability.
   - A support for multivariate / univariate time series data.

Kindly let me know of your opinion on this package.

Kenneth Odoh
Software Engineer

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