[SciPy-Dev] (no subject)

Qianhui Wan stellamberv at gmail.com
Sat Mar 18 22:32:30 EDT 2017

Hi all,

I'm a senior undergraduate in US. My direction is in applied math and
numerical analysis so I want to contribute to our suborg this year :) This
is my first time to apply for GSoC.

As I mentioned above, I've already had some background in related math and
I have some experience in solving PDEs numerically with classical schemes.
In the ideas list, I'm more interested in "implement scipy.diff (numerical
differentiation)" and "improve the parabolic cylinder functions". For
programming languages, I'm a intermediate learner in Python, MATLAB and R,
also having some skills in C/C++.

If anyone can give me some tips in the requirements of these two projects
and proposal writing I'll be very appreciate, and if you have suggestions
in choosing projects or developing ideas please let me know. Thanks!


Qianhui Wan, senior
Fall 2016 - Spring 2017, visiting, Math Department, University of
Wisconsin, Madison, US
Spring 2016, visiting, Math Department, University of California, Berkeley,
Fall 2013 - Spring 2017, Math School, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou,
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