[SciPy-Dev] [GSoC 2017] Nose to Pytest Migration - conclusions from previous thread

Ralf Gommers ralf.gommers at gmail.com
Mon Mar 13 03:58:14 EDT 2017

On Mon, Mar 13, 2017 at 9:47 AM, Karan Desai <karandesai281196 at gmail.com>

> Okay, so I'll clarify one thing based on all the suggestions above:
> Rewrting assert methods as statements will not be a part of my proposal. I
> am talking about mainly two things here - one is about numpy testing utils,
> which will be used by other libraries directly (like assert array methods),
> and other is about the test suite of scipy and numpy itself, comprising of
> unit tests of these two libraries itself.
> My idea is to keep the former as much independent of testing framework as
> possible, while adopt pytest flavor (viz. fixtures and parametrization) for
> the latter.

That sounds right to me.

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