[SciPy-Dev] Fwd: Docathon Day 1 Update: The Doccening

Ralf Gommers ralf.gommers at gmail.com
Tue Mar 7 16:01:15 EST 2017

Hi all,

The docathlon has started, and Warren got us off the mark with
https://github.com/scipy/scipy/pull/7138 (thanks!).

If you want to contribute, an easy way is what Warren did: pick a function
with an incomplete docstring (e.g. missing example) and add it.
Alternatively, look at one of the issues with the documentation label:

And remember to start your commit message with DOC:.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: The Docathon Team <choldgraf at berkeley.edu>
Date: Tue, Mar 7, 2017 at 3:58 PM
Subject: Docathon Day 1 Update: The Doccening
To: ralf.gommers at gmail.com

*To err is human, to document is divine -Docrates*
The Docathon is One Day Old!

The docathon just turned one (day old)! Here's a quick update to
congratulate everybody on a great first day.

   - We kicked off the week at BIDS by hosting a half-day of Documentation
   These were live-streamed on youtube
   your viewing pleasure!
   - We also demoed a template repository
   help you get sphinx / numpydoc / sphinx-gallery working with your project.
   Use that along with this guide repository
   help you get started!

Check out the docboards!

My favorite thing about today is that you can totally see a bump in the
documentation commits for our projects. You can check that out on our
global activity board below:

*Global Activity*

We should also give a shout out to our docstar projects that showed a big
bump in activity today. Here's our docboard for project commits:

Three cheers for:

   - PMagPy
   a python project for analyzing paleomagnetic data
   - cottoncandy
   a project for storing and flexibly accessing numpy data on Amazon S3.
   - Sylius
   a platform for e-commerce using PHP

We also got a big bump in commits from individual users! Here's what
everybody has been up to:

Let's give a shout out to this day's docstars *anwarnunez*, *willingc*, and
Keep it going!

We look forward to seeing what comes next tomorrow. The working groups will
be holding sessions once again, though we've gotten a lot of great
contributions from people all over the country! We're making great
progress, so let's keep the momentum through tomorrow!

Until then,

*The Docathon Team*
Docathon website
Projects page
Hosts page
Slack channel
Github repo
all hail the party parrot

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