[SciPy-Dev] Stochastic branch and bound optimization algorithm

Benoit Rosa b.rosa at unistra.fr
Fri Jun 9 10:46:07 EDT 2017

Hi all,

I recently implemented a stochastic branch and bound algorithm in python 
for one of my projects (namely, 3D registration without an initial 
guess, requiring global optimization over the SE3 group).

After trying basinhopping without much success, I went for a modified 
stochastic branch and bound algorithm, described in those two papers 
(disclaimer: I'm an author in one of those)
[1] C. Papazov and D. Burschka, Stochastic global optimization for 
robust point set registration, Comput. Vis. Image Understand. 115 (12) 
(2011) 1598-1609
[2] C. Gruijthuijsen, B. Rosa, P.T. Tran, J. Vander Sloten, E. Vander 
Poorten, D. Reynaerts, An automatic registration method for 
radiation-free catheter navigation guidance, J. Med. Robot Res. 1 (03) 
(2016), 1640009

Since I wanted to compare with other optimization algorithms, I 
implemented things by modifying the basinhopping file, and as such my 
implementation (git commit here: 
) is fully compatible with Scipy already. I have added a bit of 
documentation in the file too. If you want an idea, on my project (for 
which I can't share the code now), this algorithm finds the global 
optimum over the S03 space (i.e. rotations) in 4.5 seconds on average, 
where basinhopping takes more than 15 seconds, and doesn't necessarily 
converge to the correct solution.

More about the algorithm itself: it's a common branch and bound 
algorithm (i.e. recursive traversal of a tree and bisecting of leaves to 
find an optimum), with two additions:

     1 - The tree is traversed stochastically. This is governed by a 
temperature parameter, much like simulated annealing algorithms. At each 
node, there is a probability of going towards a "less promising" 
(understand: cost function higher) branch, this probability being 
governed by the temperature parameter. In the beginning, "bad" branches 
will be selected, ensuring an exploration of large portions of the 
space. As the number of iterations increases the temperature decreases, 
and the algorithms goes more towards the most promising branches/leaves, 
getting higher resolution in that part of the space.

     2 - When creating a new leaf and evaluating the cost function 
there, the value is propagated down the tree, until reaching the root or 
a node with a lower cost. This ensures a smart traversal of the tree. 
Moreover, it also makes sure that at any time, the root node has the 
lowest cost, making it easy to query for the best solution when it is 

Another advantage of this algorithm is that parameter tuning is pretty 
easy. It only needs the bounds of the search space (no initial guess), a 
sampling function (default is uniform) and a cost function (obviously). 
Additional parameters are the number of iterations, and the start and 
stop temperatures (start should be high to accept many "bad solutions" 
in the beginning, and stop should be tending to zero).

If that algorithm is of interest to the SciPy community, I'd be happy to 
clean up the code and make a pull request !


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