[SciPy-Dev] Appveyor and Windows builds

Andrew Nelson andyfaff at gmail.com
Wed Jul 19 23:52:27 EDT 2017

Hi all,
I wanted to say that I think the recent work going on to get scipy building
on windows with mingwpy is fantastic, keep up the good work. It's great to
see how you're teasing out all the problems and solving them.

As part of these changes #7616 is going to add CI testing for windows
builds on Appveyor.  From my experience on another project (whose build
requirements are much smaller) the rate limiting step in the testing of PR
commits are the Appveyor checks, Travis finishes in a fraction of the time.
Of course, it's hard to complain when OSS gets checked for free.
I'm wondering whether that's going to be an issue with the scipy dev


Dr. Andrew Nelson

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