[SciPy-Dev] API to control iteration in differential evolution #6923

Evgeni Burovski evgeny.burovskiy at gmail.com
Thu Jan 19 07:59:56 EST 2017

On Sat, Jan 14, 2017 at 11:20 PM, Andrew Nelson <andyfaff at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 15 January 2017 at 05:03, Denis Laxalde <denis at laxalde.org> wrote:
>> Evgeni Burovski a écrit :
>>> Small details, feel free to take or leave:
>>> 1. What is `step` in `for step in solver`? If it's a current "state of
>>> the minimizer", then can its contents be retrieved from the solver
>>> object itself (step vs `solver.result` above)? Or is it just a step
>>> number and the solver holds all the information at each step via
>>> `solver.result?` This needs to be specified and documented.
>> This `step` is an `OptimizeStep`. It's a new class introduced here to
>> wrap any useful information produced by the solver during one iteration.
>> In this case, it holds the current `x` and function value along with
>> iteration number. The idea is to return an extensible object instead of,
>> say, a tuple that may cause bw compat issues in the future. I think this
>> is documented, feel free to comment further if things are not clear
>> enough.
> Best `x` and best energy are already available as `solver.x` and
> `solver.population_energy[0]`, but I think this kind of object being
> returned from `__next__` is a good idea. Does it have to be an
> `OptimizeStep`, or can we return an preliminary `OptimizeResult`?
>>> 2. Since the solver class is iterable, just iterating it without the
>>> context manager should be equivalent. Something like this (pseudocode)
>>> solver = DifferentialEvolutionSolver(...)
>>> while not_converged:
>>>     result = next(solver)
>> Also, the context manager interface is actually orthogonal to the
>> iteration API. The context manager abstracts out the solver
>> *initialization* (population initialization and energies calculation)
>> and *termination* (possible polishing and build of the
>> `OptimizeResult`).
> Whilst the context manager is orthogonal to the iteration API, Evgeni's
> example would not be possible with the PR is it currently exists - the only
> way of initialising the solver (population initialization and energies
> calculation) would be to go through the context manager. Denis suggested
> that a way around this would be to have a separate initialize_population()
> method. It's a good idea to have this method (for reasons I outline later).
> However, if you create the object outside a context manager I don't think
> that one should have to call an additional initialize_population() method to
> be able to iterate the object.  There are a few reasons for this:
> (a) it's an extra line to type
> (b) iterating the object without going through the context manager is not
> equivalent
> (c) the solver object possesses public population and population_energies
> attributes, these attributes need to be present in a newly created object,
> not be created at a later stage
> (d) if the population and population_energies attributes are present I'd
> argue it makes more sense for them to contain relevant values
> (e) given a solver object how does one know if initialize_population has
> already been called (which would be a common occurrence when used in an
> interactive interpreter)?
> (f) you can't call next(solver) if the population hasn't been initialised.
> You shouldn't need to know the state of the solver object to be able to
> iterate it, it should be iterable straightaway.
> Currently the initial energy calculations are done in `__init__` and one
> uses the object as:
> # stepwise
> solver = DifferentialEvolutionSolver(...)
> while not solver.converged:
>      next(solver)
> -or-
> # all at once
> solver = DifferentialEvolutionSolver(...)
> result = solver.solve()
> The proposed PR:
> with solver as DifferentialEvolutionSolver(...):
>     while not solver.converged():
>         next(solver)
> result = solver.result
> -or possibly-
> solver = DifferentialEvolutionSolver(...)
> # extra line to type,
> solver.initialize_population()
> while not solver.converged:
>      next(solver)
> Perhaps the following course could be followed:
> (1) make the __next__ method return an OptimizeStep object (or
> OptimizeResult).
> (2) add a polish() method that takes the current best solution and polishes
> it. Having a separate polish method is useful as you can polish the object
> at any step, getting functionality similar to optimize.brute.
> (3) Add __enter__() and __exit__() methods to allow the object to be used as
> a context manager. The __exit__() method can use the public polish() method.
> I'd like to keep the existing solve() method, it can call __exit__() at the
> end.
> (4) population initialization and the initial energy calculation is moved to
> a public method, initialize_population(). This method is either called from
> __init__ (the status quo), or it is called on the first call to __next__(),
> making the first call to __next__ take twice as long. My preference is to
> keep the status quo because one can create the solver and immediately polish
> the best population member (c.f. optimize.brute), as well as the points
> raised above. The rationale for making it public is that once you've done
> one optimization you can re-initialise it with a different method
> ('latinhypercube' or 'random') and solve again or you could imagine
> re-initialising the population with a given population array (which has been
> requested previously) and start iterating again.

It seems to me we are all saying pretty much the same thing:

1. If an instance of DifferentialEvolutionSolver is used as a context
manager, __init__ is called before __enter__ anyway, so all
initialization can happen in __init__, like it does in master:

In [33]: class C(object):
    def __init__(self):
    def __enter__(self):
    def __exit__(self, *args, **kwds):
        print('exit', args, kwds)

In [34]: with C() as c:
   ....:     pass
('exit', (None, None, None), {})

This way it seems there's no need for either having a special
`init_population` method or doing something special at first call to

2. Since __init__ is always called, various initialization strategies
can be handled as a keyword arg in __init__(...,
init_method="latinhypercube"), possibly overloaded for a callable or a
population from a previous run? Or maybe the latter (reusing a
population) is better handled by an alternative constructor. But this
is certainly separate from both the context manager or iteration.

3. I agree with Denis that `make_a_step_then_stop` is spelled __next__
in python :-).

4. `.solve` method is indeed the standalone `differential_evolution` function.

5. It seems natural to use __exit__ for polishing, if desired.

6. OptimizeStep could be a (current version of) OptimizeResult. In
fact, I'd suggest it *is* an OptimizeResult.

Am I missing something?


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