[SciPy-Dev] Interested in contributing BILP solver and interior-point method for linprog; SciPy-dev search down?

Matt Haberland haberland at ucla.edu
Sun Feb 5 00:13:21 EST 2017

Hi all, I'm new to the list.

1. I am interested in contributing a binary integer linear programming
solver now, and possibly a more general MILP solver in the future. Existing
solutions (lp_solve, cvxopt, PuLp w/ GLPK) are not as easy to use as they
should be, at least for Windows users.

As I was writing the BILP code, I found a bug in linprog in which it would
report success, yet the bounds were not at all respected by the returned

I will report that bug, but in the meantime I started writing an
interior-point linear programming solver, which I'd be interested in
contributing as well.

Please let me know if you'd be interested in me contributing:
* A binary integer linear programming solver similar to Matlab's old
bintprog, but with options for both Balas' method and bintprog's branch and
bound algorithm
* A primal-dual interior-point method for linprog

2. I was trying to search the archives to see if there is already
discussion about integer programming or additional methods for linprog, but
it seems that the server:
isn't working?

I checked:
and it's down for everyone.

I just thought I should report that.


Matt Haberland
Assistant Adjunct Professor in the Program in Computing
Department of Mathematics
7620E Math Sciences Building, UCLA
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