[SciPy-Dev] Is it true that scipy.linalg is always compiled with BLAS/LAPACK support?

Robert Lucente - Pipeline.Com rlucente at pipeline.com
Sun Dec 17 23:07:49 EST 2017

I am embarrassed, I just found


-----Original Message-----
From: Robert Lucente - Pipeline.Com [mailto:rlucente at pipeline.com] 
Sent: Sunday, December 17, 2017 1:49 PM
To: 'scipy-dev at python.org' <scipy-dev at python.org>
Cc: 'Robert Lucente Gmail Backup 1 (robert.backup.lucente at gmail.com)'
<robert.backup.lucente at gmail.com>
Subject: Is it true that scipy.linalg is always compiled with BLAS/LAPACK

I am currently helping Tim W. prepare for a data science meetup in
Pittsburgh. On the associated github page
de39b60f46015869ddd848222/Regression%20from%20Scratch.ipynb) he states

scipy.linalg vs numpy.linalg

scipy.linalg contains all the functions in numpy.linalg. plus some other
more advanced ones not contained in numpy.linalg

Another advantage of using scipy.linalg over numpy.linalg is that it is
always compiled with BLAS/LAPACK support, while for numpy this is optional.
Therefore, the scipy version might be faster depending on how numpy was

As a newbie, how would I go about trying to answer the above question

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