[SciPy-Dev] scikit-procrustes

Melissa Weber Mendonça profamelissa at gmail.com
Tue Aug 29 09:32:35 EDT 2017

Hello everybody,

My name is Melissa, I'm a professor and researcher at the Federal
University of Santa Catarina, in Brazil. I'm an applied mathematician
working with Numerical Optimization and I've been working for some time
with Procrustes Problems. So I realized there was no implementation of
methods to solve the unbalanced Procrustes problem in python, and I decided
to build a scikit. Here it is:

   - https://github.com/melissawm/skprocrustes


All are welcome to criticize and to send pull requests if you feel you have
something to contribute, I'd appreciate it. I hope this is useful for



p.s. I'm not an expert in packaging and so it's highly possible that my
code is not optimal, if you have any suggestions I'd appreciate as I'm
trying to get better at this :)
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