[SciPy-Dev] Moving SciPy project organization forward

Ralf Gommers ralf.gommers at gmail.com
Sun Sep 4 16:50:13 EDT 2016

On Mon, Sep 5, 2016 at 8:09 AM, François Boulogne <fboulogne at sciunto.org>

> Hi Ralf,
> Thanks for this great and promising announcement.
> > Mailing list
> > ------------
> > This is not so we do more in private, but just to be more efficient in
> > the small number of conversations that already happens in private
> > (like giving out commit rights).  The core team has grown large enough
> > that we tend to forget people or use an old email address.  I will set
> > this one up within a week, probably using Google Groups (if anyone has
> > a better idea, please speak up).  My plan is to add all active core
> > devs, and send other people with commit rights a personal email about
> > this to ask if they want to be on it (because not everyone follows
> > this list).
> Stéfan is moving out scikit-image ML to a list hosted on Python.org. I
> don't know the details, but I guess it's a place to look at and anything
> else than GAFAM would be appreciated.

Keep in mind that this is a private list for ~15-20 people, so easy of
setup and maintenance is key. If we'd move the main scipy-user and
scipy-dev lists, yes definitely I would prefer python.org.

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