[SciPy-Dev] Timing of SciPy 1.0

Ralf Gommers ralf.gommers at gmail.com
Sun Sep 4 16:22:37 EDT 2016

Hi all,

Starting with the summary of my email of earlier today: I'd like to pick a
time for when we release SciPy 1.0, and what is still essential to do for
that version number.

We've discussed this a couple of times before [1,2].  We're now at the
point where most of the major gaps have been filled though, so it looks to
me like it's time to just pick a date for it (either after or instead of
0.19.0) and then fix up the last things that we think we really need for a
1.0 release.

Here are the things that I see as essential:
- Getting project organization in order: governance and CoC at least (see
my other email of today).
- scipy.signal: clean up the messes in wavelets and B-splines.
- scipy.signal: unified filter API [3]
- scipy.spatial: remove Python implementation of KDTree, just keep cKDTree
- scipy.interpolate: not sure of the details, but I think there are some
new interpolator classes and a spline PR that aren't quite finished?
- Remove some deprecated items (weave is the biggest one), and decide now
if there's anything else we need to deprecate.
- Merge or close more PRs.  We've stabilized them at around 120-130 open
ones, but that's not really good enough if there are (almost) finished PRs
that no one has looked at in a year.  This may be the single biggest task.

We shouldn't make the above list too long, otherwise we won't get there.
Really, SciPy is production quality software (with a few dusty corners), so
we should limit ourselves to listing what is essential here.

Timing: I suspect that we want to deprecate some more things, and that 4
months is a little too short to get to the point where we want to be.  So I
would propose to still do a 0.19.0, make sure that all deprecations are in
there, merge PRs quite aggressively for 0.19.0 as well, and then plan 1.0
as the next release (can be shorter than 6 months after 0.19.0).  So maybe
Nov/Dec for 0.19.0 and say March '17 for 1.0.



[1] https://github.com/scipy/scipy/pull/2908
[2] https://mail.scipy.org/pipermail/scipy-dev/2013-September/019238.html
[3] https://github.com/scipy/scipy/issues/6137
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