[SciPy-Dev] Policy for minimum numpy version

Nathaniel Smith njs at pobox.com
Wed Jul 27 15:16:53 EDT 2016

Note also that numpy now has wheels available for all the common platforms,
so the cost of installing a new numpy is much, much lower than it used to
be. (And installing a new numpy is easier than installing a new scipy
anyway :-).)

On Jul 27, 2016 10:52 AM, "Eric Quintero" <ericq at caltech.edu> wrote:

> Hi All,
> In gh-6058 <https://github.com/scipy/scipy/pull/gh-6058>, I’ve run into a
> test failure because a numpy function was not available in version 1.7 (the
> function being np.fft.rfftfreq). This is easy enough to work around, but I
> wonder when we should decide to move up the minimum required numpy version.
> Debian stable currently offers numpy 1.8.2. Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (which is EOL
> next April) is stuck on 1.6.1, so they’re already left behind. Ubuntu 14.04
> LTS has 1.8.2.
> Has anyone ran into compatibility issues with 1.7 before? In
> _lib._numpy_compat, there is another 1.7 workaround in place for
> np.testing.assert_warns.
> -Eric Q.
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