[SciPy-Dev] win32 binaries and scipy 0.17.0 release

Nathaniel Smith njs at pobox.com
Sat Jan 2 15:23:29 EST 2016

On Jan 2, 2016 9:30 AM, "Tony Kelman" <tony at kelman.net> wrote:
> To be clear I think the current approach of trying to make mingwpy
> more robust and eventually get it upstreamed makes sense. But you're
> forking GCC with features (linking against recent msvc runtimes)
> upstream mingw-w64 doesn't want to use, as MSYS2 is forking cpython
> with features upstream python-dev doesn't want. It's kind of
> unfortunate all around.

To be clear: the current status here is that there are basically two
runtimes that matter: the one used by 2.7, and the one used by 3.5 and
future versions.

The plan is indeed to fork mingw-w64 to handle the 2.7 runtime, because
mingw-w64 is not interested in supporting that (at least at a price we can
afford). Fortunately we know from Carl's work so far that the required
patches are fairly small and the 2.7 runtime is not a moving target, but it
is unfortunate and the riskiest part of the plan.

But, for any patches needed for supporting 3.5+, including patches that are
needed independently of the runtime chosen, we plan to push these upstream,
and upstream is interested in taking them. (And in fact we're hoping
upstream will do some of the heavy lifting :-).) We're in contact with both
them and with Microsoft to figure out how to make modern mingw-w64 more
compatible with modern msvc in general. This doesn't help with the 2.7
situation, but the long term situation is not as bleak as you fear.

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