[SciPy-Dev] win32 binaries and scipy 0.17.0 release

josef.pktd at gmail.com josef.pktd at gmail.com
Sat Jan 2 12:51:55 EST 2016

On Sat, Jan 2, 2016 at 12:30 PM, Tony Kelman <tony at kelman.net> wrote:
> Matthew Brett <matthew.brett <at> gmail.com> writes:
>> It would certainly be useful to share effort or at least discussion about
> this.
>> Are there any good places to go to understand the logic behind
>> upstream Python's lack of interest in these patches / mingw-w64 Python
>> generally?  I'd love to hear how you are dealing with DLL hell and pip
>> on the msys2 system...
> I think the last time this was discussed was in the October 2014
> python-dev thread "Status of C compilers for windows"
> https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2014-October/136607.html
> My personal conclusion from that was it could be cleaner to turn
> MSYS2's large patch set into a formal fork that anyone could build
> (or cross compile) even if not using MSYS2's pkgbuild system, but I
> didn't get too far there.
> My understanding of how the MSYS2 python works is that for pure
> python modules without C extensions, pip should work fine. There
> are issues with virtualenv last time I checked, and I don't know
> how careful the MSYS2 packagers are about checking the status of the
> test suites of all their C extension builds. If you get all C
> extensions from MSYS2 then there is no dll hell, but mixing C
> runtimes can of course cause problems. Some of their patches are
> in distutils to also make that recognize and use mingw-w64 compilers,
> but that would need some firsthand testing to see how well it works
> on C extension modules that haven't been packaged by MSYS2 yet.
> To be clear I think the current approach of trying to make mingwpy
> more robust and eventually get it upstreamed makes sense. But you're
> forking GCC with features (linking against recent msvc runtimes)
> upstream mingw-w64 doesn't want to use, as MSYS2 is forking cpython
> with features upstream python-dev doesn't want. It's kind of
> unfortunate all around.

A general question about what I don't understand in this discussion.

What are the incompatibilities of mingwpy compiled C extensions with
the official PSF python versions?

I have been using MingW compiled statsmodels forever, and MingW64 for
maybe two years up to python 3.4 and never ran into problems.
I'm using now almost exclusively Winpython and the packaged gcc, which
seems to come with all required local DLLs.

(I thought the main or only problems are DLL packaging and Fortran.)


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