[SciPy-Dev] win32 binaries and scipy 0.17.0 release

Matthew Brett matthew.brett at gmail.com
Sat Jan 2 09:33:31 EST 2016


On Sat, Jan 2, 2016 at 4:03 AM, Tony Kelman <tony at kelman.net> wrote:
> Nathaniel Smith <njs <at> pobox.com> writes:
>> (The only exception I know of is msys2's python 2.7, which is built
>> with mingw-w64. This makes a mess, though, and python.org has
>> specifically refused to accept patches to even allow upstream cpython
>> to be built this way -- this build basically only exists so msys2 gdb
>> can link to it and run python gdb plugins.)
> This isn't true at all. It exists to provide its users a functioning
> Python and 50+ packaged python-* modules all built with open source
> compilers, search for yourself at https://github.com/Alexpux/MINGW-packages.
> Including working builds of numpy (using openblas), scipy, pandas,
> and others.
> These aren't ABI compatible with arbitrary pypi msvc-built binaries,
> but given the build tools in msys2 it's often easier to build a library
> within that system. I've yet to see something that MSVC can build but
> mingw-w64 can't, but there are endless examples of the other way around.
> Python-dev's refusal to even review mingw-related patches has forced
> MSYS2 to essentially maintain a fork of cpython in the form of 80+
> patches in their PKGBUILD file. This fork won't be going away, they will
> be continuing to package more modules against it.
> Does the MSYS2 approach satisfy scipy's self imposed requirements for
> MSVC ABI compatibility? No, but it does satisfy a sizable (and growing)
> chunk of users' requirements for scipy et al binary distribution on
> Windows. Forking cpython and maintaining a separate ecosystem is a
> more viable option than you give it credit for.

It would certainly be useful to share effort or at least discussion about this.

Are there any good places to go to understand the logic behind
upstream Python's lack of interest in these patches / mingw-w64 Python
generally?  I'd love to hear how you are dealing with DLL hell and pip
on the msys2 system...



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