[SciPy-Dev] ENH: Adding simulated annealing method

Andrew Nelson andyfaff at gmail.com
Fri Dec 16 05:52:44 EST 2016

unfortunately I've not been able to proceed with complete review for
various reasons, mainly due to a manic work schedule, sorry. Hopefully
someone else from the dev group will be able to review this PR (dlax?)

On 16 December 2016 at 21:21, Gubian, Sylvain <Sylvain.Gubian at pmi.com>

> Dear SciPy maintainers,
> I am about to submit a paper about extensive benchmarks in Python of
> global optimization methods. It includes SciPy ones and some others (like
> PSO). I know that you guys are very busy with the big chunk of PRs. I have
> addressed all of the PR comments/suggestions. Do you think you would
> foresee a merge for this PR.
> https://github.com/scipy/scipy/pull/6569
> Thanks a lot for you time.
> Best regards,
> Sylvain.
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Dr. Andrew Nelson

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