[SciPy-Dev] coding project

Evgeni Burovski evgeny.burovskiy at gmail.com
Mon Apr 18 19:02:17 EDT 2016

On Mon, Apr 18, 2016 at 11:47 PM, WESLEY WANG
<wesleywang1996 at berkeley.edu> wrote:
> Hi All!
> My name is Wesley Wang and I am currently working on a project for our class
> which involves helping contribute to a project. While I was looking through
> a list of projects, I became very interested in SciPy, which combines coding
> with math and science.
> Is there anything which I can possibly contribute to in terms of code? (As a
> chemistry major, I'm looking to maybe add or change some things in the
> constants.py file involving constants commonly used in chemistry)
> Any feedback would be nice!
> Thanks and have a great day!
> -Wesley

Hi Wesley,


We have a bug tracker on Github, anything on it is a fair game :-).
Depending on your skill set, you might want to start with issues
labeled as easy-fix:
There is also a backlog of pull requests, some of which are in a need
of a finishing touch or two.

To a first approximation, anything listed on github is a fair game :-).

Contributions are definitely most welcome!



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