[SciPy-Dev] plans for 0.17.0 release

Evgeni Burovski evgeny.burovskiy at gmail.com
Sat Nov 7 17:14:46 EST 2015

On Sun, Oct 25, 2015 at 5:14 PM, Ralf Gommers <ralf.gommers at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> We branched 0.16.x in early May, so it's time to start thinking about
> branching 0.17.x sometime soon. If anyone would be interested in being the
> release manager for 0.17.x, or co-managing it with me, that would be very
> welcome.
> In order to make releasing look less like black magic I've worked on
> automating stuff a bit more (has landed in master) and on writing fairly
> detailed documentation: https://github.com/scipy/scipy/pull/5424. Please
> have a look if you're interested.
> Cheers,
> Ralf
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I volunteer to co-manage it with Ralf.

Here's aproposal for the release schedule:

branching 0.17.x: 22 Nov
rc1: 24 Nov
rc2: 30 Nov (if needed)
final release: 14 Dec

There do not seem to be many serious open issues --- here's today's
contents of the milestone 0.17:

If you have an issue or a PR which you would like to go in to 0.17.0,
please attach the milestone or comment on Github, or mention it in
this email thread.

At the moment we have about 140 open PRs, many of which are lingering
unreviewed. If you have bandwidth to spare, the schedule above gives
us two weeks  to review and merge PRs, and any help would very much



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