[SciPy-Dev] Retiring wiki.scipy.org?

Nathaniel Smith njs at pobox.com
Mon Nov 2 21:06:51 EST 2015

On Sat, Oct 31, 2015 at 5:02 AM, Ralf Gommers <ralf.gommers at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sun, Oct 25, 2015 at 6:54 PM, Pauli Virtanen <pav at iki.fi> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I've been looking through the stuff that was on wiki.scipy.org,
>> and it appears it would be the time to retire it.
>> cf. http://pav.iki.fi/tmp/to-be-removed/localhost_8080/AllPages.html
>> for the actual material that is there.
>> I have the impression that:
>> (1) Most of the material that is useful has been moved elsewhere.
>> The download instructions, topical software, etc. are moved to
>> scipy.org and/or numpy/scipy documentation.
>> The Numpy/Scipy tutorials that were there have mostly been subsumed
>> in the Numpy/Scipy documentation, or superceded by better resources
>> elsewhere eg. scipy-lectures.org. "Numpy for Matlab users" was
>> just added there too.
>> The Cookbook section was converted to IPython notebooks
>> some years ago:  https://github.com/pv/SciPy-CookBook
>> However, several of these are not so relevant today.
>> (2) The relevance of what's left is not so clear.
>> The rest of the content seems fairly miscellaneous. Recipes
>> from converting code from Numeric/numarray are probably
>> not highly useful any more.
>> If you know something valuable there not listed above, it would
>> be useful to point it out.
>> Excluding edits to front/download/etc pages that are nowadays
>> on github/scipy/scipy.org, the wiki was edited 95 times in the
>> last 5 years; and 2 times within the last 2 years.
> Agreed, even in the converted material there's a lot that's not relevant
> anymore. What wasn't converted is even less relevant.
> There were some comments on the issue tracker about people looking for
> specific pages, so making a dump of everything available somewhere like
> Nathaniel suggested makes sense I think.
>> (3) Would having a wiki be useful?
>> Based on the content there it's not clear if there is a need
>> for a wiki nowadays --- people can just put stuff up on
>> github/bitbucket/pypi and blog about it.
>> It might be useful to have a "cookbook" collection,
>> but a github repository with ipython notebooks,
>> or Scipy Central, sound like better solutions for today
>> than a wiki.
>> Thoughts?
> I also had a look at visitor stats (see
> http://www.easycounter.com/report/scipy.org). Conclusion: scipy.org is a
> very active domain (global rank around 25000), but wiki.scipy.org only
> accounts for 1.65% of the total. That's still 3450 page views a day though.
> So putting redirects in for the most popular pages is important.
> +1 for no wiki anymore

Concrete proposal:

- take @rkern's dump of the underlying wiki data, and dump it into a
git repo at github.com/scipy/old-wiki for archival purposes
- take @pv's scrape of the rendered html pages, and dump them into the
same repo, but on the gh-pages branch

This will make the rendered HTML pages available at
http://scipy.github.io/old-wiki/, and we can point people there when
necessary. And puts the both the raw data and the readable versions
onto infrastructure that someone else will worry about maintaining


Nathaniel J. Smith -- http://vorpus.org

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