[SciPy-Dev] Distance to uncontrollability

Irvin Probst irvin.probst at ensta-bretagne.fr
Wed Mar 4 07:02:33 EST 2015

do you know if an implementation of Gu/Mengi's algorithm to compute the 
distance to uncontrollability [1] for a linear system would be of any 
interest for the average scipy user ? Or is it enough for almost anyone 
to be able to compute the controllability index of a system using the 
staircase algorithm ?

[1] Copy/paste of Gu/Mengi's paper:

The distance to uncontrollability for a linear control system is the 
distance (in the 2-norm) to the nearest uncontrollable system. We 
present an algorithm based on methods of Gu and Burke–Lewis–Overton that 
estimates the distance to uncontrollability to any prescribed accuracy. 
The new method requires O(n4) operations on average, which is an 
improvement over previous methods which have complexity O(n6), where n 
is the order of the system. Numerical experiments indicate that the new 
method is reliable in practice.

Source: http://home.ku.edu.tr/~emengi/papers/fast_dist_uncont.pdf
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