[SciPy-Dev] Fwd: Increasing the maximum number of points in the spatial.Delaunay triangulation

Pauli Virtanen pav at iki.fi
Mon Jun 22 15:41:13 EDT 2015

22.06.2015, 22:07, Cantwell Carson kirjoitti:
> Are there other ideas for what could ship with scipy? I have tried CGAL and
> mayavi and they function, but no better than Qhull (IMHO). Matplotlib also
> has a routine, but I doubt the redundancy in algorithm would be beneficial.

CGAL might be more robust as it AFAIK uses exact predicates. It is
however GPL-licensed, so it cannot be used in Scipy without making the
whole bundle GPL.

I know there are a number of other libraries doing Delaunay in 2d/3d,
but can't name any from top of my head. Last time I looked, I don't
remember seeing much license-compatible code however, and
performance/scaling issues such as here probably aren't immediately
apparent on first sight.

> I recommend that we insert a warning or error when the number of
> points in Qhull algorithm exceeds 2**24 so that the method can exit
> without crashing, instead of killing the whole process as it does now.

Seems like a good idea, patches accepted.
Ticket: https://github.com/scipy/scipy/issues/4985

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