[SciPy-Dev] Weekly Summary 2015/06/17

Abraham Escalante aeklant at gmail.com
Thu Jun 18 00:10:25 EDT 2015

Hello all,

I am a little late for this week's weekly report, I know. This past week I
realised I needed to change the course of action because the bulk of the
project is comprised of issues and the regular PR can usually take two
weeks even if they go smoothly; and a lot longer if not so smooth.

Long story short, I decided to start working on as many PRs as possible to
keep the waiting time between feedback cycles to a minimum. Otherwise, the
project's completion could be jeopardised.

Since there will be many open PRs at a time and I expect to be working on
several issues through several weeks, I will try to mention here only the
most relevant ones and I encourage you to check the current status of:

   - Open Pull Requests <https://github.com/scipy/scipy/pulls/aeklant>
   - Open StatisticsCleanup issues

*Week 3 topics:*

   - Trimmed statistics functions.
   - nan checks: How to deal with nan values in scipy.stats?
   - Deprecation of `find_repeats`.
   - 'alternative' keyword addition to `binom_test` and `mannwhitneu`.

*This week's topics:*

   - Resolution of nan handling discussion.
   - Deprecation of (M)ANOVA `f_value*` functions.
   - Deprecation of `threshold`.

Again, this is not a comprehensive list. For more information regarding any
of the topics feel free to browse through the open issues or PRs. You can
also contact me and I will be more than happy to let you know the details
of whichever of those topics you might find interesting (or at least point
you in the direction of someone who knows what he's talking about).

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