[SciPy-Dev] [scipy.stats improvements] Weekly Summary 2015/06/07

Abraham Escalante aeklant at gmail.com
Mon Jun 8 00:13:02 EDT 2015

Hello all,

Here is the summary scipy.stats improvements this week.

*Week 2*

   - [WIP] Trimmed statistics functions have inconsistent API
   - [WIP] statistics review: trim_mean
   - [WIP] statistics review: trim1
   - [WIP] statistics review: trimboth
   - [WIP] statistics review: find_repeats

*Plan for week 3*

   - statistics review: _chk_asarray
   - statistics review: ppcc_max
   - statistics review: threshold
   - statistics review: describe
   - statistics review: relfreq
   - statistics review: cumfreq

You can find the open PRs at any given moment here

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